Saturday, October 10, 2009

What's new?/100 Hotels for Under $150

A few weeks ago, won free tickets to see Elizabeth Gilbert speak as part of the Drue Heinz lectures. She was incredibly funny, poised, articulate, self-deprecating, and entertaining, definitely glad I went. She read to us from her new book, Committed and talked about going on set for the upcoming film, Eat, Pray, Love, based on her memoir of the same name.

CAPSTONE - what exactly happens to conductive polymers after you leave them in sun and heat for weeks at a time? That might be good to know, since they'll be used for solar cells and the like . . . so we take current-voltage measurements on Organic Field Effect Transistors (OFETs) in the basement of Roberts Engineering Hall, in the Dark, and listen to a Pandora station called "Transistors"

21 - two cakes! One was ice cream and one was chocolate mousse, delicious!, I guess friends come in handy after all. Haha

Family Weekend. I drank a lot of hot apple cider and talked to some parents.

It's gorgeous outside. I heart Pgh.

"100 Hotels for Under $150" - European hotels. Beautiful interiors. Let's go!


Unknown said...

Ha ha ha that's awesome--"Transistors".

It's pretty close to what I would call "quintessential fall weather" right now. I'm from NJ though, so I probably have no idea what fall weather is supposed to be like.

You can take the hotels. I'm taking my backpack.

Amanda said...

let's go.