Tuesday, May 12, 2009

"This I Believe"

I'm excited about our RA summer reading! It's called This I Believe: The Personal Philosophies of Remarkable Men and Women. I just picked it up from Angie (Housefellow) at SDO and it looks really good. I skimmed the table of contents and people's essays look kind of quirky but truthful, and that should be cool and thought-provoking. Then I randomly opened to something by William F. Buckley, Jr., who's been on my reading list for the last year (http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Cancel-Your-Own-Goddam-Subscription/William-F-Buckley/e/9780465002429/?itm=2), and his piece is on something very dear to me, "How is it Possible to Believe in God?" I can't wait to see what else people have written about and size up their beliefs next to my own, and am definitely going to try to read with an open mind, with my own beliefs ready to be shaped.

It'd be cool to do this with residents, someone talked about "six-word memoirs," asking people to summarize something very important to them (like a principle or guiding piece of wisdom or something they learned from an experience) and maybe put it on their doors, then get together in small groups and share stories.

Yes, I have something to read on the way to Michigan!

Okay so I wasn't kidding about wanting to learn Hindi, and it turns out my library back home has Hindi language CDs! I'm going to spend a lot of time driving back and forth from work this summer, so I decided I want to do something with it, either invest in good music or maybe learn a language (a couple people have also suggested books on tape, which could be cool). The library has the Pimsleur Language Program CDs, which I just looked up, and the reviews for Hindi aren't so hot, but maybe I'll at least be able to translate "Jai Ho" for you!

Ooh I could also spend the time praying.


Anonymous said...

that sounds awesome! but are you sure you won't get too distracted while driving sharon?!

alice said...

Six word memoirs -- sounds like a really cool idea!
Learning Hindi in your car seems like a good plan -- go for it =) As for books on tape.. I personally find them highly annoying =/ I like being able to read books at my own pace and stuff.